Course contents
This course first gives an overview of the changes that have an impact on public transport today, of the present status of public transport in Sweden and the Nordic countries, and of the challenges that are specific to public transport.
Using examples from other, similar industries, as well as studying cases from public transport, the course participants will get an understanding of the challenges that are involved in moving towards data-driven public transport. The course will also point to unexpected fields where a data-driven approach can create considerable customer value.
Finally, the course will provide applicable models and methods that participants can start using for taking the next step towards data-driven public transport within their organisations.
Target group:
This course is aimed at professionals dedicated to developing public transport and make urban and rural travelling simpler and more sustainable, as well as those wanting to learn about how turn data into the engine driving better customer experiences at a lower cost, even within unexpected fields.
Consultants, suppliers, operators or with one of the Nordic public transport authorities will all benefit from joining this course. Employees with any of the new actors on the public transport market, who want to better understand the challenges facing the publicly funded transport and how to find new ways of co-operation will also find this course useful, as well as anyone working strategically or operationally within these fields.
This course is not intended for those looking to learn the latest AI technologies, data analysis and the like. The course focuses on the values that the technology adds and how you can help your organisation become more data-driven.
Day 1
- What changes impacts public transport today and what does the competition look like
- Conflicting existing ways of working
- Development routes and inspiration for being a data-driven organisation
Day 2
- New models and tools for increasing digital maturity
- Looking at real-world cases
- What is your next step towards a data-driven public transport
15,700 SEK/participant (excl. VAT)
By signing up for this course you agree to these terms. Click HERE to read the general terms. Let us know immediately if you need an explanation of any of the terms as they are in Swedish.
Händelsen har passerat
men du kan fortfarande ta del av material från dagen.
May 18-19 2022 (in Swedish)
If you wish to sign up to the later course date, May 18-19, please leave a message in the Other field during registration.
Marcus Weiland
Deputy CEO Savantic, CEO Savantic Institute
Henrik Nilson
Former CIO Västtrafik, CEO Bee Analytics
If I had been between jobs, I would definitely have considered starting a business based on the data strategy and product concept that we created together.
- Stefan Johansson, VD Infospread
It's simply impossible not to be inspired by the enthusiasm that Marcus Weiland has for AI and what it will be able to achieve in the future!
- Lena Källberg, Källberg Text & Form
Marcus has the ability to explain complex technology in terms that can be understood by any audience. His knowledge of both machine learning and business development makes him an ideal teacher of AI’s implications on business.
- Babak Rasolzadeh, Director of Machine Learning, Arterys, Silicon Valley
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